Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD Director and Lead Trainer


Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, is one of the most respected luminaries in the fields of evidence-based mind-body practice, wellness, integrative medicine, and Chinese medicine for self-transformation. He has dedicated his professional life to sharing the ancient holistic empowerment and healing traditions of China, distilled for contemporary times.

As the director and chief instructor of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) in Santa Barbara, California, Dr. Jahnke and his IIQTC colleagues have trained over 3000 Tai Chi and Qigong Teachers and Practice Leaders internationally. With 35 years of clinical practice as a physician of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, and 10 research tours to China’s temples and sacred mountain sites, Dr. Jahnke has emerged as a key spokesperson for and master teacher of Tai Chi, Qigong, and mind-body practice.

His first book, The Healer Within: Using Traditional Chinese Techniques to Release Your Body’s Own Medicine, delivered a revolutionary guide to self-care with simple medical Qigong practices, adaptable for every lifestyle. His second book, the groundbreaking The Healing Promise of Qi: Creating Extraordinary Wellness Through Qigong and Tai Chi, distills the best practices drawn from 25 traditional and modern forms of Tai Chi and Qigong, and offers guidelines to tailor a personal wellness and empowerment regimen to each individual's unique needs. 


The powerful transformation of our Self — Body-Mind-Spirit — is by ourself, for ourself through focused and sustained practice. This happens over time through purposeful cultivation. It takes time to integrate — to try, to succeed, to try more, to fall short... to try again, to doubt, to refocus and renew. Settling into the consequences and benefits of cultivating a sincere, sustained, evolving practice — that is the best way. Actually, it’s the only way. 
— Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD


Jessica Kolbe

Email Jessica@JessicaTaiChi.com

Website http://QigongSB.com

Jessica Kolbe

With over 25 years of expertise in Qigong and Tai Chi, Jessica Kolbe is celebrated for her profound insight and dynamic approach to the healing potential of these practices. A passionate teacher since 2009, she serves as a Senior Trainer and beloved faculty member at the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC).

Jessica has trained hundreds of teachers and facilitated workshops and trainings at prestigious locations, including the Esalen Institute, 1440 Multiversity, La Casa de Maria, New York Open Center, Semester at Sea, Lucidity Festivals, and IIQTC certification trainings. She has also been a featured speaker at the National Qigong Association's Annual Conferences on three occasions. Her award-winning Qigong TV show is celebrating its 10th year on air. Her dedication to expanding her knowledge has led her to organize three study and immersion trips to China, as well as two transformative journeys to Bali with her students.

In October 2025, she will lead a spiritual and study tour to Japan. Whether teaching on Zoom, at senior living centers, in gardens, or by the beach in her home of Carpinteria, CA, Jessica finds joy in sharing her wisdom. She remains committed to her daily practice and study of Taoism, Qigong, and Tai Chi, always deepening her spiritual journey.

Linda Larkey, PhD

Email larkeylite@msn.com

Website https://healthawaretoday.com

As a Senior Trainer for the Institute for Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC), Linda Larkey, PhD, has enjoyed sharing these skills in community settings, training teachers, and personally engaging in meditative movement, especially in nature.

As a university professor, Linda brings over 30 years of experience in health promotion research. Her work focuses on the question, "How can we craft messages and social strategies that help people make lasting health behavior changes?" Over the past 20 years, her research has additionally focused on understanding how meditative movement practices like Tai Chi and Qigong promote optimal health, conducting research at the Larkey Heart-Mind-Body Lab. Through numerous NIH-funded trials, along with additional training and certifications in mind-body practices, she has integrated both traditional and contemporary knowledge to collaborate in this training intensive as an IIQTC Lead Faculty.