How can you become more resilient, more vital, more peaceful? With practice, Qigong will transform YOU!


As a Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader, you know the benefits of these evidence-based practices for whole person wellness.


Thousands of Teachers Needed!


Qigong and Tai Chi are among the most accessible tools ever developed by humanity for maximizing health, vitality and resiliency and sustaining wellbeing and productivity ... and inner peace! That is amazing!

What would happen if everybody knew that the most powerful healing powers are not at the hospital or the pharmacy...

BUT INSTEAD - Within Our Own Being?

Since the founding of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) in the year 2000, Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD and IIQTC Faculty have trained over 3000 Teachers and Practice Leaders internationally! Graduates join a dynamic community of Mind-Body Professionals.

Is it fair to assume that we share, with you, an enthusiastic commitment to empowering people? It is likely that you are already empowering yourself!

Do you remember this revered ideal – “Teach what you aspire to know?"

Are you ready?

Many IIQTC Graduates report that becoming an Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Teacher has totally transformed their lives!

This training is now less expensive since you will not need to buy travel, lodging nor 3 daily meals. We are excited about the “model” for the training – part video, part Zoom gatherings, plus practicum (practice teaching with fellow trainees) AND participation in small Mastermind empowerment groups. It is the IIQTC ideal that you be ready to teach Qigong by the end of the Level 1 Training.

The Level 1 Training is 3 modules, separated by 14 days allowing for you to fully integrate of the material. In former in person trainings, the curriculum was packed into one 7 day training retreat. Because all curriculum is delivered by both video and group gathering, you have lifetime access to the video for review. This fantastic new model highlights the benefit of online training - less cost, more integration time, and lifetime access to the curriculum.

Please Read the IIQTC Online Training Waiver, Photo/Video Release and Cancellation Policy Before You Register

CLICK HERE - 1 Payment for Tai Chi Easy Practice Leaders

CLICK HERE - Payment Plan for Tai Chi Easy Practice Leaders Through April 8, 2025

Space is limited in order to provide the best trainer to student ratio.

Meet Your Trainers

Dr. Roger Jahnke, Jessica Kolbe, and Linda Larkey, PhD

Some of you are more practical, some more esoteric, some more spiritual, some more science based, some more philosophical. 

We honor all points of view. 

Some will be anxious to teach – we support that. Some will want to build esteem over time – we accommodate that.

The Integral Ideal of the IIQTC is that there are many kinds of skills and types of persons who will navigate the ship of the future.

The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) has graduates throughout the United States, Canada, Central America, Australia, Asia. Some are primarily focused on the Chinese arts of healing and martial arts; however, many are more oriented to fitness and contemporary breakthrough physiology.

All IIQTC graduates are inspired and committed to bringing accessible mind-body practice - Qigong and Tai Chi -- to broader audiences as a form of personal continuous improvement in all the nations of the world.

About Dr. Jahnke and the IIQTC Faculty

This Level 1 Integral Qigong Teacher Training will benefit:

Many have asked – “Do you have Teacher Training Online?” We are excited to be presenting this newly developed training retreat that includes all of Level 1 – Integral Qigong Teacher Training Certification – ONLINE! This same curriculum -- from 2000 to 2020 -- was only available in a live format requiring added costs for travel and lodging.

We will create a powerful foundation for your own growth in Qi cultivation and your work/play with Qi as an IIQTC Level 1 - Integral Qigong Teacher. This certification is also the first level of your path to certification as a Qigong and Tai Chi Instructor / Teacher. Level 2 – Integral Tai Chi. Level 3 – Qigong Alchemy.

You are encouraged to begin teaching right away!

Most institutions (YMCA, schools, community centers, churches, corporations, VA programs, etc.) will eventually require at least 200 hours of training to be hired as a teacher / instructor. However, many IIQTC graduates with as little as 16 hours (Healer Within Practice Leader), 25 hours (Tai Chi Easy Practice Leaders) or 65 hours (Level 1 Qigong Teacher) have been hired with much less than 200 hours. 

You will be informed and inspired to begin teaching even before you complete this Level 1 training. Teaching right away is a key to building a business or adding these skills to your current profession. You can elect to continue with Levels 2 and 3 at a later date if you are inclined. 

The IIQTC Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Teacher 200 Hour Teacher Training (Levels 1, 2, and 3) meets the Professional Membership criteria (200 hours of documented formal Qigong Training) approved by the National Qigong Association (NQA) for Professional Membership application. Dr. Jahnke is one of the founders of the NQA.



You Will Learn, Practice, and Teach


Earliest Qigong Document – Qigong May Be Over 10,000 Years In Development


Module 1 -- Master the acclaimed Healer Within™ Medical Qigong Practices – 22 hours

Profound, yet very accessible - easy to learn and teach to others -- Healer Within Medical Qigong (HWMQ, 之内药物治愈者氣功, Zhiyu zhe Zhinei Yaowu Qigong) has effects on also known as Vitality Enhancement Qigong (Bu Zheng Qigong, 腆正义氣功)

These practices, with ancient roots, are all evidenced based through contemporary research! Physiological and psychological mechanisms will be discussed throughout the training.


Qi Matrix


Module 2 -- Explore the Ten Phases of Cultivating and Mastering Qi - 22 hours

Ten Phases Qigong (Shi Jieduan Qigong - 阶段氣功)of Cultivation and Mastery from Dr. Jahnke's second book The Healing Promise of Qi, a classic in the emerging literature of Chinese medicine, Mind-Body practice, energy medicine and integrative medicine. Practices from the Nine Phase Integral Qigong™ Form are integrated from an array of ancient, traditional, revered forms.

Earth Qigong - Inner Medicine for the Physical Body

Phases 1-3

Discover Qi
Gather Qi
Circulate Qi

HeartMind Qigong - Inner Medicine for the Mental Emotional Body

Phases 4-6

Purify Qi
Direct Qi
Conserve Qi

Heaven Spirit

Phases 7-9

Store Qi
Transform Qi
Dissolve in Qi

Transmit Qi

10th Phase

The 10 Phases of Cultivation and Mastery of Qi integrates Chinese Medicine, the fundamental insights of Dao Philosophy (Taoism) and the Shamanic Qi Powers of the ancient Chinese tribes – now conformed by physics and the most current brain and cell research.

The 10 Phases is based on the ancient Chinese ideal of Inner Alchemy.


Tai Chi Two


Module 3 -- Deepen Your Training – and the breadth of your teaching skill - with Added Ancient and Contemporary Qigong forms - 21 hours

Receive Extra Value As An IIQTC Student

This 65 hour, IIQTC Level 1 Teacher Training is designed to ensure you're well-prepared to teach and integrate Integral Qigong and Tai Chi into your professional practice.

Training Portal Resources on Customerhub with Lifetime Access

Post Training Support

These resources and community connections help new teachers continue their development and successfully integrate their training into their professional practice.



Required Texts and Videos


Purchase from your favorite bookseller or click on the links to fulfill from Amazon:


We Train Thousands to Inspire Millions

to Make Medicine Within — for No Cost!