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In this Qigong immersion retreat September 21-26, 2014 led by Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, you will sense and work with your deepest energetic nature. As you work with these energies, you enter a portal of personal transformation where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, life direction shifts, healing can occur and renewal is within reach. Join experienced teachers, guides and like-minded friends, to create a powerful energy (Qi) field and explore your true nature.


Learn to practice one of the most powerful forms of Qigong.

Watch a short video on what Wuji Qigong/Primordial Qigong practice is.

Create a powerful shift with Primordial ~ Golden Elixir ~ Qigong

Discover what awaits you when you take time to go deeper and touch the the Golden Elixir of the Ancients.

Watch a brief video on Primordial Qigong movements

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